School Admissions

All parent/carers are required to apply to their home local authority (LA) regards of where the school/academy they are applying is situated.

Nursery applications

From September 2025 - 

We will provide part time Nursery places for children who are aged three. There are spaces for 30 children in the morning and 30 children in the afternoon.

If you would like to place your child's name on our Nursery waiting list, please contact the school office.  All Nursery offers are  sent via letter in April.  The place needs to be accepted by the deadline on the letter and after this a transition program will be organised for your child. 

Places are not given on a first com first served basis.  Each school has a set number of Nursery places on offer.  Where there are more applications than places available, the following admission criteria will be used to decide who is offered a place: 

Category 1

Children who are looked after by a Local Authority

Category 2

Children with exceptional circumstances, medical/social needs.  If a special medical or social need means there is only one school your child can go to, please indicate this in your application.  We will then send you a separate form to complete and return, along with a letter from your doctor or social worker.  A panel of officers will assess whether your child should be put in Category 2.  Any Category 2 forms without a letter from a doctor or social worker will not be considered.

Category 3

Children who have an older brother or sister attending the school when they take up their place and living at the same address.  This includes adopted siblings, step siblings and foster children.  In the event that a Category 3 will cause a school to exceed its planned admission number (PAN), admissions will be prioritised according to the distance between the child's permanent address and the school, measured in a straight line. 

Category 4

All other children will be prioritised according to the distance between their permanent home address and the school.  Those children living nearest to the school will take priority.

How we calculate distance for Categories 3 & 4

We use a computerised measuring system to measure distance in a straight line from the centre point of the child's permanent home address to the centre point of the school, as defined by the the national mapping agency.  Those living closer to the school will receive higher priority.

Reception applications

Manchester Local Authority is responsible for admissions of all Reception places, including children already attending our Nursery.  Local Authority application forms must be completed by parents online, or parents can request a paper application form.  This must be completed by the nominated date in December the year before your child is due to start Reception class.  A late application could result in your child not getting a place at a school of their choice.

Application forms are available from here and can be requested by phone on 0161 245 7166.

Other Year goups - Year 1 to Year 6

Manchester Local Authority manages these admissions.  Please contact Manchester City Council Admissions Team on:  0161 245 7166 to put your child's name on our waiting list.  If places are available, the Council will notify parents who will then need to contact the school to arrange an admission meeting. 

The LA will liaise with other Admissions Authorities in Manchester and other LAs where required.

Manchester LA will inform parent/carers in writing of the outcome of their application.

Application forms are available from here and can be requested by phone on 0161 245 7166.

They should be returned to:

Integrated Admissions Service
Manchester City Council,
P.O. Box 532,
Town Hall,
M60 2LA


Our Admissions Policy can be found on our Policies page.

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