
At St Agnes we run a wide range of clubs and extra-curricular activities throughout the year. These clubs give our children an opportunity to extend their learning and interact with their peers. The clubs that we run are based around activities that our children enjoy, while we also run clubs when we find there is an area of development for a particular year group. For example, in EYFS we found children’s physical development needed support so we began a sports club.

What kind of clubs are they?

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There are some that are run regularly each week:



  • Early Start Club – Daily, (KS1, KS2)
  • Manchester City in the Community- Mondays, Reception children
  • Lunchtime clubs - Cheerleading, Board games, Art (KS1, KS2)

Each term there are standalone clubs as set by teachers and TAs for a phase or year group.

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When do the clubs run?

Typically, at the end of the day, although they can take place at lunchtimes if the need arises.


What time do clubs start and finish?

Breakfast club starts at 8:15am.

Lunch time sessions run for 30 mins and the timings depend on each year group’s lunches.

After school clubs run from 3:15-4:00 or 4:15, depending on the club.

Who runs clubs at St Agnes?

Responsibility for running clubs is usually split across staff, based on areas of expertise and subject leads in the given areas.

External organisations such as Manchester City FC, will also run a club but there will be a staff member supporting the provision


Other clubs

We also have the Holiday Activity club orgnaised by Rushford Park at our school during the holidays.

Take a look at the video below of our first one!